Magazine English Version 01
How do I complete an order?
Choose the product(s) you want and select “add to the cart”: by clicking “SHOW ALL ISSUES” you'll be redirected to a page featuring all the available issues of the magazine. Choose the product(s) you are interested in and click the “PROCEED TO CHECKOUT” button. If you have a discount code, don't forget to insert it in the “discount code” field which can be found in the cart page.
Do I need to register in order to buy?
Yes, the registration is mandatory and it will allow you to download all the issues you buy on any device, as many times as you want. To create an account click on “create new account”. While registering, you'll gain access to your personal area, from where you can monitor the state of all your orders. Mind that your personal data will only be used to process orders and will never be given to third parts.
How do I download the products I just bought?
After the payment, go back to and access to your personal area. On the low left you'll find a link - “MY DOWNLOADABLE PRODUCTS” - where you find all the issues you bought: from here you can download the chosen issue(s) on your device(s).